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LightStrike6 Studies

Peer Reviewed Studies

Lab Studies

Publication Details
Facility TX BioMed
Criteria SARS-CoV-2
Facility NetCare Hospital South Africa
Criteria Candida auris
Publication Details

Maslo, C, et al., BMC infectious diseases 19.1 (2019): 1-3.

Facility CNB/SCIC-Spain and TX BioMed
Criteria K, pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, A. baumannii, S. aureus, G. stearothermophilius, B. atrophaeus, A. niger, MERS-CoV, Vaccina viurs, IBDV, VSV, Ebola virus, Anthrax

Environmental Studies

Publication Details
Facility Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Publication Details

Xiong, A, et al., The Spine Journal. 20.9 (2020) S97.

Facility Hiroshima University
Criteria Aerobic bacteria, MRSA
Publication Details

Kitagawa, H, et al., American Journal of Infection Control. Feb 02, 2020.

Facility Hiroshima University
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Kitagawa, H, et al., American Journal of Infection Control (2020).

Facility Trinity Health
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Facility Enrique Garces Hospital
Criteria Aerobic bacteria, K, pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E. faecium
Publication Details

Villacís, J, et al., BMC infectious diseases 19.1 (2019): 575.

Facility University of Pisa
Criteria C. diff, ESBL K. pneumoniae, KPC K. pneumoniae, aerobic bacteria
Facility 136 operating rooms at 23 hospitals across the United States
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Publication Details

Simmons, S, et al., American Journal of Infection Control. 2018 Sep 1;46(9):1003-8.

Facility 4 VA hospitals
Criteria MRSA, aerobic bacteria
Facility Netcare Hospital South Africa
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Publication Details

Dippenaar, R, et al., BMC infectious diseases. 2018 Dec;18(1):91.

Facility MD Anderson Cancer Center
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Publication Details

El Haddad, L, et al., BMC infectious diseases. 2017 Dec;17(1):672.

Facility San Antonio Military Medical Center
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Publication Details

Green, C, et al., Burns. 2017 Mar 1;43(2):388-96.

Facility Nottingham NHS Hospital United Kingdom
Criteria Aerobic bacteria, VRE
Publication Details

Beal, A, et al., Journal of Hospital Infection. 2016 Jun 1;93(2):164-8.

Facility Queens Hospital United Kingdom
Criteria MRSA, VRE, A. baunmannii, CPE, aerobic bacteria
Facility Central Texas VA Health Care System
Criteria MRSA
Publication Details

Jinadatha, C, et al., American Journal of Infection Control. 2015 Aug 1;43(8):878-81.

Facility Central Texas VA Health Care System
Criteria Aerobic bacteria
Publication Details

Jinadatha, C, et al.,  American Journal of Infection Control. 2015 Apr 1;43(4):415-7.

Facility Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Criteria C. diff, MRSA, VRE
Publication Details

Nerandzic, MM, et al., Infection control & hospital epidemiology. 2015 Feb;36(2):192-7.

Facility MD Anderson Cancer Center
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Ghantoji, SS, et al., Journal of medical microbiology. 2015 Feb 1;64(Pt 2):191.

Facility Central Texas VA Health Care System
Criteria MRSA
Publication Details

Jinadatha, C, et al., BMC infectious diseases. 2014 Dec;14(1):187.

Facility MD Anderson Cancer Center
Criteria Aerobic bacteria, VRE

Hospital Experience/Use Studies

Publication Details
Facility Multi-Site
Criteria C. diff
Facility Hiroshima University Hospital
Criteria MRSA
Facility Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Schaffzin, J.K., et al., American Journal of Infection Control. 48 (2020) 903-909.

Facility Hershey Medical Center
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Attia, F, et al., American Journal of Infection Control. 2020 Sep.

Facility Multi-Site
Criteria various
Publication Details

Guijuan, L, et al., Epidemiology & Infection: 1-22.

Facility Yagamata University
Criteria MRSA, A. baumannii
Publication Details

Morikane, K, et al., BMC Infectious Diseases. 2020 January; 20(82), 1–6.

Facility Vall dHebron University Hospital
Criteria P. aeruginosa
Publication Details

Aguilera-Sáez, J, et al., Annals of burns and fire disasters 32.1 (2019): 47.

Facility Mayo Clinic
Criteria C. diff, VRE
Publication Details

Sampathkumar, P, et al., American Journal of Infection Control. 2018 Nov 28.

Facility Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Criteria C. diff, VRE
Facility Long-term care facility
Criteria MDROs
Publication Details

Kovach, CR, et al., BMC infectious diseases. 2017 Dec;17(1):186.

Facility South Seminole Hospital Orlando Health
Criteria C. diff, VRE, MRSA
Publication Details

Vianna, PG, et al.,  American Journal of Infection Control. 2016 Mar 1;44(3):299-303.

Facility Lowell General Hospital
Criteria Operating rooms
Publication Details

Catalanotti, A, et al.,  American Journal of Infection Control. 2016 Jun 1;44(6):e99-101.

Facility Trinity Medical Center
Criteria Operating rooms
Facility Long-term care facility
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Miller, R, et al.,  American Journal of Infection Control. 2015 Dec 1;43(12):1350-3.

Facility Westchester Medical Center
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Nagaraja, A, et al.,  American Journal of Infection Control. 2015 Sep 1;43(9):940-5.

Facility Westchester Medical Center
Criteria MDRO, C. diff
Facility Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Criteria C. diff
Publication Details

Levin, J, et al., American Journal of Infection Control. 2013 Aug 1;41(8):746-8.

Facility Moses Cone Health
Criteria MRSA
Publication Details

Simmons, S, et al., Journal of Infection Prevention. 2013 Sep;14(5):172-4.

Other Resources

Publication Details
Facility Cost Perspective Analysis
Criteria Cost of Infections
Publication Details

Scott 2nd, D.R., et al., J Infus Nurs. Mar/Apr 2019;42(2):61-69.

Facility Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Criteria Prior room occupancy risk
Publication Details

Mitchell, BG, et al., J Hosp Infect. 2015 Nov;91(3):211-7

Facility Multiple Operating Rooms
Criteria OR environmental contamination
Publication Details

Yezli, S, et al., Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2014 Dec;15(6):694-9.

Facility Sampling at Multiple Sites
Criteria Environmental contamination
Publication Details

Lerner, A, et al., J Clin Microbiol. 2013 Jan;51(1):177-81.

Facility Multiple Acute Care Hospitals
Criteria Role of Contaminated Surfaces
Facility 27 Intensive Care Units
Criteria Manual cleaning
Publication Details

Carling, P.C., et al., Crit Care Med . 2010 Apr;38(4):1054-9.

Facility 36 Acute Care Hospitals
Criteria Manual cleaning
Publication Details

Carling, P.C., et al., Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2008 Nov;29(11):1035-41.

Facility Systematic Review
Criteria Pathogen survival on surfaces
Publication Details

Kramer, A, et al., BMC Infect Dis. 2006 Aug 16;6:130.

Facility Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
Criteria Environmental Guidelines
Publication Details

Sehulster, L, et al., MMWR Recomm Rep. 2003 Jun 6;52(RR-10):1-42.

If you would like to have a scientific or technical discussion regarding our product, please contact our Science Team at science.resources@xenex.com or call +1-210-538-9300 to schedule a review with our team of epidemiologists.

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